Southeastern Alberta DUAL LACT
Project Overview
Heavy oil Directive 17 compliant lease automatic custody transfer (LACT) with a maximum output of 76 m3/hr. The supply from tankage flows through a booster pump to feed a screw shipping pump downstream. The LACT will analyze water content and density as per client requirements, diverting back to facility during upset state. Data from densitometer, water cut, flow meter, pressure transmitter and temperature transmitter are sent to PLC for volumetric calculations and upset states.
Corsair Design Scope: Develop standard layout for client LACTs, Engineering to size booster pump and shipping pump, PLC Programming c/w volumetric calculations, Hydrotest plan, Fabrication oversight
Major Equipment: Flow Meter, Densitometer, Water Cut, Automated Sampling System, Booster Pump, Shipping Pump